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Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview
Manual of Play


Welcome to the Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview. The preview showcases the 1st and 7th levels out of the 24 levels of the most awesome, non-stop-action 3D space shooter that has ever invaded our universe!

Look for the full game of Sinistar: Unleashed this summer. Get it from your favorite retailer or get it direct from THQ at (818) 225-5167 or

Sinistar: Unleashed is a game designed and developed by GameFX Technology. Check out our web site at

Table of Contents

Tentacles System Requirements
Sinistar: Unleashed
Installing the Latest Drivers
   DirectX 6
   3D Accelerator Drivers
   Joystick Drivers
Installing the Game
Configuring the Game
   Video Mode Selector
Playing Sinistar: Unleashed
   Starting the Game
   The Main Menu Screen
   Flying Your Ship
   Mining Sinisite Crystals
   Special Items
   Short-Range Radar
   The Targeting Crosshairs
   Long-Range Radar
   Pausing the Game
   The Configuration Screen
   Other Features
   Quitting the Game
   Game Controls
Uninstalling the Game
Play Hints
Sinistar: Unleashed FAQ
   3D Board/Driver Web Sites
   Technical Support
   Reporting Bugs
   Tested 3D Chipsets and Drivers
   Error: Unable to Load SL_TGL.dll
   Game Issues with Alt+Tab Use
   Restoring the Game’s Original Controls
   Slow Starts on Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3
   Game Issues with Voodoo Boards using Direct3D
   Video Mode Selector & 3Dfx
   nVidia Riva 128 or 128 ZX and Missing Textures
   Microsoft Digital Sound System 80
   Middle Mouse Button Inoperative
Intelligence Briefing: The Enemy
   The Sinistar Universe
   The Sporg
   The Distilled Evil
   The Sinistar
Legal Lingo
   THQ Inc. Demo End User License

System Requirements

Install Sinistar: Unleashed on a PC that meets or exceeds the following system requirements:

For best performance, install Sinistar: Unleashed on a PC that meets or exceeds the following:

Sinistar: Unleashed

Jumpgate in Your Face

Sinistar: Unleashed blasts you into a hostile universe fraught with danger. A space dwelling species of supreme evil is on the verge of creating the ultimate bio-mechanical weapon: the Sinistar. When they succeed, they will invade our universe, annihilating humanity and all other life. You must destroy these evil beings before they embark on their malevolent crusade. But time grows short....

You must fight your way to the center of the Sinistar cosmos. You pilot the best humanity can build: a ship of awesome power and potential.

Hyper-aggressive enemy warriors swarm on each level of the Sinistar universe. Workers energize a jumpgate with Sinisite crystals, while warriors and turrets guard the gate and attack you.

As you battle through each level, you must gather the crystals that power your destructive arsenal. In the full game, success in combat wins you more weapons, more ship upgrades, and more powerful items that you can turn against an increasingly dangerous and clever enemy.

Imagine the excitement of chasing an enemy warrior through a dense asteroid field while delivering tons of radiant ordnance to its hull. Experience the exquisite beauty of a full spread of tactical ion bursts exploding in a frenzy of firestorms. Marvel at the deadly ballet of the Sinistar, as you meet in a duel to the death.

Often mistaken for pre-rendered video, the visual effects of Sinistar: Unleashed stand head and shoulders beyond the current generation of arcade games. Advanced texture-mapping technology, plasma lighting effects, and particle systems make Sinistar: Unleashed a game for the next millennium.

The full game of Sinistar: Unleashed features:

The full game of Sinistar: Unleashed will be published summer 1999, for PCs equipped with Intel Pentium II and Pentium III processors, Microsoft Windows (Windows 95 or Windows 98) operating systems, and 3D accelerator cards.

Installing the Latest Drivers

DirectX 6

Sinistar: Unleashed requires DirectX 6.0 or later, and the latest version, DirectX 6.1, is recommended. If DirectX 6 is not installed on your computer, you can get the latest drivers directly from Microsoft at

3D Accelerator Drivers

For maximum performance (and why would you want less?), make sure you have the latest drivers for your 3D accelerator board. Visit your 3D accelerator’s Web site to obtain the latest drivers. If you don't know the Web address, check the Video & 3D Accelerator Links section in the Sinistar: Unleashed FAQ below for links to various major video/accelerator companies.

If you use a 3Dfx-based accelerator, to run the accelerator in 3Dfx mode you must have the Glide3 drivers; the game will not run on earlier versions of the Glide® drivers. You can find the Glide reference drivers at 3Dfx via (go to their Drivers page).

If you use any type of 3D accelerator other than a 3Dfx-based (Glide-based) one, you must use Direct3D. You can also run a 3Dfx-based accelerator using Direct3D instead of Glide. You get the latest version of Direct3D when you install DirectX 6; see above.

Joystick Drivers

We strongly recommend that you install the latest drivers for your joystick. (Microsoft Sidewinder® Joysticks Note: Sidewinder drivers are now at version 3.x (version 3.02 as of spring 1999) and are available at

Installing the Game

To install the game, follow these steps:

Step 1: Place the CD containing the Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview in your PC’s CD-ROM drive.

Step 2: Make sure that you have 250 MB of free space on your hard disk. (Installation temporarily requires 250 MB. The preview only requires 120 MB once installed.)

Step 3: Double-click the Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview Installer icon. Sinistar: Unleashed will be installed in a folder on your hard drive, a Sinistar: Unleashed shortcut will be placed in your Start menu, and a Sinistar: Unleashed icon will appear on your desktop.

Step 4: When the installation is done, click the Finish button to exit the installer. When you do so, the Video Mode Selector window will appear on your screen; use this window as described in Configuring the Game below.

Configuring the Game

Video Mode Selector

Video Selector

You must configure the game’s video settings before you play the game. When you install the game, the Video Mode Selector window automatically appears when you finish installation. Use this window as follows:

You can use the Video Mode Selector to change your video settings. To run the selector, quit the game, click the Start Menu, open Programs, THQ, and Sinistar Unleashed, and then select Video Mode Selector from the menu that appears. Use the window as described above.

Playing Sinistar: Unleashed

Strike WarriorThe Distilled Evil, a race of space-dwelling creatures, and their slaves, the Sporg, are creating the ultimate bio-mechanical weapon: the Sinistar. If they succeed, they’ll unleash the Sinistar against your universe, in a cosmic rampage of conquest, plunder, and destruction. You must stop them.

In this preview, you pilot your ship through an asteroid field that contains Sinisite crystals. The enemy is feverishly working to energize a jumpgate. Workers mine the asteroids for crystals, which they carry to the gate. Warriors (right) and turrets of various kinds and sizes protect the workers, guard the gate, and patrol for intruders. When the gate is filled with energy, the Sinistar erupts forth, and you must quickly destroy it or die.

Player ShipYour ship (left) requires Sinisite crystals for health energy and to power most of its weapons and all of its special items. You can use your mining laser to blast apart asteroids, releasing the crystals they contain. Fly over a crystal, and your ship will eat it.

The ship’s maw or mouth is between the wings facing forward. Burst weapons emanate from the maw. On the ship’s upper wings are missile tubes. Thrusters are contained in the tail.

You have a Mining Laser, a Cutting Laser, Long-Range Missiles, and Sinibombs  for weapons, plus Health, Boosters, and Shields. In the full game, as you play, you can gain additional, powerful weapons, like the Lightning Bolt, and special items, like an Orbital, which flies beside your ship and fires on enemies.

Pulsing veins on the surface of the ship surface indicate its health. As the ship loses health energy, the color of veins descends through the spectrum to a deep red—use crystals you’ve gathered to increase your ship’s health.

Use any of your weapons to attack the Distilled Evil and Sporg. Use Sinibombs to attack the Sinistar and to destroy crystals around a jumpgate. Battle your way through each level until you reach your final confrontation at the center of the Sinistar universe.

Starting the Game

After you’ve installed Sinistar: Unleashed (see above), double-click the Sinistar: Unleashed icon on your desktop to run the game. (You can also run the game from the start menu. Click the Start Menu, open Programs, THQ, and Sinistar Unleashed, and then select Sinistar Unleashed from the menu that appears.) When you run the game, the Main Menu Screen appears; select New Game from the menu to start play.

The Main Menu Screen

The Main Menu Screen appears when you load the game. During play, press the Esc key to go to the Main Menu Screen. Gameplay automatically pauses when the Main Menu Screen is open. From this screen, use the up and down cursor keys to choose:

New Game. Press Enter to begin a new game. On the New Game Screen that appears, use the up and down cursor keys to select how tough a challenge you want: Easy, Normal, or Sinistar (most difficult). Then, press Enter to begin play (or Esc to return to the Main Menu Screen).

Quick Help. Press Enter for a brief tutorial on how to play the game. Press Esc to return to the Main Menu Screen when you're finished with the Quick Help Screen.

Configuration. Press Enter to open the Configuration Screen.

Load Game. Load Game is not active in this preview.

Save Game. Save Game is not active in this preview.

Multiplayer. Multiplayer is not active in this preview.

Resume Play. Press Enter to leave the Main Menu Screen and resume play of the game. (You can also resume play by pressing Esc from the Main Menu Screen.)

EXIT. Press Enter to exit the game.


You can play the game in 3rd Person, 1st Person, and Zoom Views, switching among them as you like. Press 0 to toggle between the 3rd Person and 1st Person Views. Press 9 to toggle between the 1st Person and Zoom Views. (If you press 9 while in 3rd Person View, you switch to 1st Person View.)

3rd Person View

view_3p.jpg (51055 bytes)

You start play on each level in 3rd Person View. Your ship is centered near bottom of screen, and you view it from a perspective above and behind the ship. On the screen, you see what is in front of your ship—asteroids, crystals, the jumpgate, workers, turrets, warriors, the Sinistar.

1st Person View

view_1p.jpg (58609 bytes)

When you enter 1st Person View, your perspective moves to the front of the ship, seeing what the ship itself is seeing. (In 1st Person View, your ship’s wingtips become translucent so you can see through them.)

Zoom View

view_zoom.jpg (36456 bytes)

From 1st Person View, you can enter Zoom View, seeing a close up view of distant objects directly in front of your ship.

Flying Your Ship

Use the ship’s thrusters, controlled by the joystick’s Throttle (or Slider), to control the speed of your ship. Push the Throttle all the way forward to move at maximum normal thrust; pull it all the way back to stop, hanging motionless in space. You can also get an extra, temporary speed increase by using the Boosters special item. Unlike the thrusters, however, the Boosters consume crystals.

Use the joystick to maneuver your ship. Pull the stick back to pitch your ship up; push forward to pitch down. Push the stick left and right to turn ("yaw") your ship left and right. Twist the stick left and right to roll left and right. (Note: To use the roll feature, you must have a joystick that is capable of twisting or rotating.) Physics affects your ship—for example, your ship’s speed affects its maneuvering, and you can make tighter turns at low speeds than at high speeds.

Press and hold down joystick button 2 to use the clutch. Normally, when you change the facing of your ship, you are changing its flight direction. When using the clutch, you can change the facing of your ship while keeping the course you were flying before using the clutch. This is handy, for example, when you want to keep your present course yet face backward to fire on enemies pursuing you.

Mining Sinisite Crystals

Roids in Space

Yellow Siniste CrystalYou can mine asteroids to release the crystals they contain. Use your primary weapon, the mining laser, to blast asteroids—get an asteroid in your crosshairs and press the joystick trigger to fire the mining laser. As you blast an asteroid, some crystals it contains may be released. (You can smash an asteroid completely to pieces through repeated firings.) You can also mine asteroids using your other weapons, although keep in mind all other weapons cost crystals when you use them.

Fly your ship over crystals tumbling through space, and your ship will eat them, storing them for later use. Your ship can eat almost any crystals except those that have been transformed to energize the jumpgate (you can see these transformed crystals in orbit around the gate).


inventory.jpg (32345 bytes)Your ship’s inventory is displayed on the lower right of the screen.

Crystal Storage Bar: The large bar in the left-center of the inventory displays the crystals the ship has stored up. The number on the left of the bar displays the number of crystals you have available; the number on the right displays the total number of crystals that may be stored on the ship.

Secondary Weapons Slots: Above the crystal storage bar are 8 slots for the various secondary weapons the ship may have. (If the ship has a secondary weapon, the weapon’s icon appears in its slot. Otherwise, the slot is empty.) Each weapon is assigned a key; press its key to select the weapon (see Weapons below for further details). When you select a weapon, its name appears above the icon bar. If you have enough crystals to fire a weapon, its icon appears in gold; if you don’t have enough crystals to use it, its icon appears in bluish gray.

Item Slots: Below the crystal storage bar are 8 slots for the various items the ship may have. One item can be selected at any one time. Press Q to select the item to the left of the currently selected item; press W to select the item to the right of the currently selected item. When you select an item, its name appears below the icon bar. Press E, Tab, joystick button 3, or button 5 to use the item. For example, select the ship’s Health and press E to spend crystals for health energy. If you have enough crystals to use an item, its icon appears in gold; if you don’t have enough crystals to use it, its icon appears in bluish gray.

inv_health.jpg (31745 bytes)Ship Status Indicator: To the right of the crystal storage bar is the ship status indicator, a circular area with an icon representing your ship. The indicator displays your ship’s health and any specials you are using:


Your ship has one primary weapon (its mining laser) and can have up to eight secondary weapons (three are available in this preview). There are three categories of weapons:

The primary weapon, the mining laser, is always available and never costs crystals to fire. Press the trigger to fire it. It is an unguided energy weapon.

One secondary weapon is always selected at any time. If a weapon’s icon appears on the weapons bar, press its key to select it:





Long-Range Missiles. Long-Range Missiles are guided weapons. When you fire Long-Range Missiles, each missile tube on the ship fires a single missile that can travel a long distance.

LR Missiles


Cutting Laser. The Cutting Laser is an unguided energy weapon. The Cutting Laser is a powerful but short ranged weapon that can cut its targets into pieces. The beam fires continuously as long as you hold down the trigger and have crystals available spend. You can fly your ship to sweep the beam across targets (including asteroids), blowing them up when you do enough damage to them.

Cutting Laser


Sinibomb. The Sinibomb is a guided crystal weapon. A Sinibomb has short range, so get in close to a jumpgate or Sinistar before firing it!

sinibomb_icon.jpg (1636 bytes)

Secondary weapons always cost crystals to fire. Press joystick button 4 to fire the selected secondary weapon—the weapon will fire if you have sufficient crystals for it. If you have enough crystals to fire a weapon, its icon appears in gold; if you don’t have enough crystals to use it, its icon appears in bluish gray.

Three shortcut keys help you select secondary weapons:
   [   Previous Weapon selects the weapon to the left of the currently selected weapon.
   ]   Next Weapon selects the weapon to the right of the currently selected weapon.
   /   Best Weapon selects the weapon that can do the most damage.

In the full game, the power, range, number of gunports, and fire rate of your weapons increase as you upgrade your ship.

Special Items

Shields On!

Your ship starts with three special items and in the full game can have up to eight specials. One item can be selected at any one time. Press Q to select the item to the left of the currently selected item; press W to select the item to the right of the currently selected item. When you select an item, its name appears below the icon bar. Press E, Tab, joystick button 3, or button 5 to use the item. All specials consume crystals when you use them. If you have enough crystals to use an item, its icon appears in gold; if you don’t have enough crystals to use it, its icon appears in bluish gray. For example, select the ship’s Health item and press E to spend crystals for health energy.

Special items available in the preview are:





If your ship has taken damage, use Health to heal the damage.



You can get an extra, temporary speed increase by using the Boosters. Boosters multiply your current speed by a factor, so you get maximum effect from them when flying at your maximum normal speed.



Shields surround the ship and can negate or reduce the damage you take due to enemy fire and collisions.


Your ship’s health and use of special items are shown in the ship status indicator on the inventory, as described in Inventory above.

Short-Range Radar

Short-Range Radar

The Short-Range Radar displays targeting information directly in the 3rd Person, 1st Person, and Zoom Views. The Short-Range Radar displays color-coded targeting reticules, and the color-coded numbers next to the reticules show the range to the object. The colors have specific meanings, as shown below:

Color Reticule Description
White Current Target White shows the location and range of the object your ship is currently targeting. On most settings, the Current Target Reticule targets the objects that guided weapons (missiles and Sinibombs) will home on.
Light Red Sporg Warriors, Sinistar, Jumpgate Light red shows the location and range of Sporg warriors, the Sinistar, and the jumpgate.
Dark Red Other Enemies Dark red shows the location and range of enemy workers and turrets.

The following key controls the targeting system:

B toggles on or off all-object targeting. When off (which is how the game starts), only enemies are targeted. When on, the object closest to the center of the screen in front of your ship is targeted, regardless of what that object may be. On this setting, the Short-Range Radar will target anything, including asteroids, crystals, or even the shots that you fire! So be careful when using this setting; remember that when you fire a missile, it homes in on whatever is being targeted.

The Targeting Crosshairs

Targeting Crosshairs

Targeting crosshairs help you aim shots from your unguided weapons. Targeting crosshairs appear directly in the 3rd Person, 1st Person, and Zoom Views as follows:

Long-Range Radar

lr_radar.jpg (19827 bytes)The Long-Range Radar display appears in the lower left corner of the screen. A pink inverted-"V" icon representing your ship appears at the center of the display. The display shows what the Long-Range Radar detects. Radar blips (icons) for detected asteroids appear in white and gray; blips for detected enemies appear in various shades of red; blips for missiles and Sinibombs appear in blue. The Sinistar and the jumpgates are large red circles. In this preview, the Long-Range Radar is set to just one orientation:

The following keys control the long-range radar:

K zooms in the radar, showing a smaller area ahead of the ship in more detail.

L zooms out the radar, showing a larger area ahead of the ship in less detail.

Pausing the Game

To pause the game, press the Pause key. Press the Pause key again to resume play.


To see the help screen, press F1. The game automatically pauses when the help screen is open. Close the screen and resume play by pressing F1, Esc, or Enter.

The Configuration Screen

You can enter the Configuration Screen from the Main Menu. On the Configuration Screen, use the up and down cursor keys to choose:

Game Options. Press Enter to open the Game Options Screen. Use the up and down cursor keys to select an option, and press the spacebar to toggle the option on or off. When the Enable Crosshairs option is on, the targeting crosshairs are active during play. When the First Person Perspective option is on, you play the game in 1st Person View instead of 3rd Person View. (You can also change views during play; see Views below.)

Key and Button Controls. Press Enter to open the Controls Screen, which sets the keyboard, joystick button, and mouse button controls. On this screen, use the up and down cursor keys to select a game control and press Enter to edit it (the control's key or button will turn red). You can clear the current key or button for a control by entering the control and by pressing Backspace. To assign a new key or button for a control, highlight it, press Enter, and then press the key or button you want. To set a second key or button for a control, enter it again and press the second key or button you want. (You can set up to two keys/buttons per control.) When you are done editing the controls, press Esc to return to the Configuration Screen.

Joystick/Mouse Analog Controls. Press Enter to open the Joystick/Mouse Analog Controls Screen. On this screen, use the up and down cursor keys to select a  control and press Enter to edit it (the control will turn red). Move the joystick or mouse in the way you want for this control, and then press Enter to confirm your choice. When you are done editing these controls, press Esc to return to the Configuration Screen.

For the Contols Sensitivity option, use the left and right cursor keys to decrease or increase the sensitivity of the joystick or mouse.

For the Mouse Look options, press the spacebar to toggle this option on or off. When off, you cannot use the mouse to fly the ship. When on, you can use the mouse to fly the ship (as well as a joystick, if you have one).

For the Invert Pitch option, press the spacebar to toggle this option on or off. When you invert pitch, the joystick handles pitch the reverse of the way it normally does. (For example, inverting the pitch causes your ship to pitch up instead of down when you push the joystick forward). When you are done editing these options, press Esc to return to the Joystick and Analog Controls Screen.

Sound. Press Enter to open the Sound Screen. On this screen, press the Tab key to switch between the Sound Effects Volume and the Music Volume sliders. When a slider is selected, use the left and right cursor keys to change the volume: press the left cursor key to reduce the volume; press the right cursor key to increase the volume. When you are done setting the volume, press Esc to return to the Configuration Screen.

Video. Video is not active in this preview. (To change your video settings, use the Video Mode Selector; see Configuring the Game above. Remember to quit the game before using the Video Mode Selector, as your changes won’t take effect if the game is running.)

When you are done with the Configuration Screen, press Esc to return to the Main Menu Screen.

Other Features

Scoring is not included in this preview. In the full game, a score tracks your accomplishments and progress in the game.

If your ship is destroyed on a level, you restart that level. In this preview, you can restart a level each time your ship is destroyed. In the full game, you have a limited number of lives with which to destroy the Sinistar peril.

Quitting the Game

To quit the game, press Esc to go the Main Menu Screen, use the down cursor key to highlight EXIT, and press Enter.

Game Controls

Movement Controls: Joystick Keyboard
Yaw Left Move Stick Left Z or Left Arrow
Yaw Right Move Stick Right C or Right Arrow
Pitch Up Pull Stick Back X or Down Arrow
Pitch Down Push Stick Forward S or Up Arrow
Roll Left Twist Stick Left A
Roll Right Twist Stick Right D
Throttle Throttle or Slider Shift
Clutch Button 2  
Strafing Controls:
Strafe Up Joy Hat Up  
Strafe Down Joy Hat Down  
Strafe Left Joy Hat Left  
Strafe Right Joy Hat Right  
Fire Controls:
Fire Primary Weapon Trigger (Button 1) left Ctrl
Fire Secondary Weapon Button 4 or Button 6 Spacebar
Select Long Range Missiles   1
Select Cutting Laser   2
Select Sinibombs   3
Select Previous Weapon   [
Select Next Weapon   ]
Select Best Weapon   \
Targeting Controls:
Target Everything Toggle   B
Long-Range Radar Controls:
Toggle Radar Orientation (forward facing/360 degree)   H
Zoom Radar In   K
Zoom Radar Out   L
Other Controls:
Toggle 3rd Person and 1st Person Views   9
Toggle 1st Person and Zoom Views   0
Select Previous Item   Q
Select Next Item   W
Use Selected Item Button 3 or Button 5 E or Tab
Pause Game   Pause
Main Menu   Esc
Help   F1


Note: Different joysticks have different button layouts. Check your joystick manual to determine your joystick’s actual layout.

Uninstalling the Game

You can uninstall the Sinistar: Unleashed preview as follows: Click the Start button on the Windows toolbar, point to Programs, THQ, Sinistar Unleashed, and click on Uninstall Sinistar.

(You can also uninstall the Sinistar: Unleashed preview using the Add/Remove Programs feature in Windows. Click the Start button on the Windows toolbar, point to Settings, and click on Control Panel. When the Control Panel window appears, double-click on Add/Remove Programs. In the Install/Uninstall tab, select Sinistar: Unleashed from the list of program names and then click the Add/Remove button.)

Play Hints

Mine lots of crystals! You’re going to burn through them like mad. Yellow crystals are the most common but have the least crystal energy. A blue crystals has five times the energy that a yellow crystal has. Other colors are even more powerful.

When dogfighting the enemy, remember that you can make tighter turns at low thrust rather than high.

If you need to get out a tight spot, use your boosters to add to your speed.

Gate with crystalsSinibombs can destroy crystals around the jumpgate, delaying the entry of the Sinistar. You can also delay the entry of the Sinistar by destroying workers (since they bring crystals to the gate to energize it).

Keep in mind that shots from energy weapons and missiles do not harm the Sinistar. Use Sinibombs to attack the Sinistar.

If you die at any time on a level before destroying the Sinistar, you reappear at the start of that level.

The second level in the preview is actually Level 7 of the full game, so expect a tough fight, especially if you’re new to the game. If you find this level tough going, try the following 7-Step Plan for mastering Level 7:

1) Arrive on Level 7 loaded with crystals, as combat begins almost immediately. So, try not to use up all your crystals fighting the Sinistar on Level 1. If you have trouble with this, replay Level 1 a few times until you gain more experience.
2) The turrets can be a big pain, so take them out when you find them. If you use missiles to do this, a turret can often shoot down your first missile as you approach it, but a second missile can get through if it is timed correctly behind the first one.
3) If enemy warriors hang close to you, try sweeping the cutting laser across them. Only do this at close ranges, and watch your crystal consumption!
4) When you’re low on crystals, keep moving and firing your mining laser. With luck, you may destroy or evade enough enemies to get a chance to mine asteroids for a while.
5) Learn to mine crystals while flying at top speed in dogfights. Yeah, eat and run.
6) If enemies really gang up on you, use your boosters to run away and fight again another day, rather than using all your crystals fighting while greatly outnumbered.
7) Enemy warriors on this level are quick, and using missiles at them while they’re quickly closing in on you is often futile. Missiles are more effective when they’re running from you or when they’re hovering near you.

Well, that’s seven steps already and we haven’t even discussed fighting the Sinistar on this level, so you’re on your own from here. Good luck, and good hunting!

Sinistar: Unleashed FAQ

How can I find the Web site for my 3D board/driver?

What technical support is available for the Two Level Preview?

Technical support is not available for this preview, with the exception of online FAQs and support documents. Please check our web site at for updates and new information as it becomes available. You can send specific queries and problems to, and we’ll do our best to address them.

How do I report a bug?

Our QA department loves to eat bugs, so feed them with any you find by e-mailing Please tell us:

  1. Game version (this is the Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview).
  2. Your operating system (Windows 95 or Windows 98).
  3. Your computer model and manufacturer.
  4. Your CPU speed and type (for example, 233 MHz Pentium II).
  5. Your RAM.
  6. Your 3D Accelerator board info (for example, Diamond Stealth II G460).
  7. Your DirectX and 3D accelerator board driver versions (for example, DirectX 6.1).
  8. Your sound card info.
  9. A description of the bug, and all relevant information about it (such as what level it occurred on). If you can repeat the bug, tell us how you do it!

What 3D Chipsets and Drivers have been tested with the game so far?


Driver Provider


Driver Version

ATI Rage Pro Turbo

ATI Technology



Matrox Millenium G200 AGP

Matrox Graphics


Riva 128



Riva TNT



S3 Hercules Savage 3D

S3 Incorporated


Voodoo Graphics

3Dfx Interactive


Glide version 2.46
Glide3 version 3.02

Voodoo Graphics

3Dfx Interactive


DirectX version

Voodoo Graphics

3Dfx Interactive


Glide version 2.46

Voodoo Graphics

3Dfx Interactive


Glide version 2.211


3Dfx Interactive


Glide version 2.54
Glide3 version 3.01


3Dfx Interactive


Direct3D version


3Dfx Interactive


Glide version 2.50


3Dfx Interactive


Direct3D version

I get "Error: Unable to Load SL_TGL.dll" when I try to run the game. What should I do?

If you get the error "Unable to load SL_TGL.dll" when you try to run the game, your video is configured incorrectly. Run the Video Mode Selector (see Configuring the Game section for details). In the Selected Device menu, switch from the RGB Emulation option to the Direct3D HAL option. Then click Save Settings and rerun the game.

The game locks up when I use keys like Alt+Tab to switch from the game to another window. What should I do?

The Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview is a full screen application and does not support the Windows Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut, the Windows key, or other Windows keyboard shortcuts that cause you to switch windows. (The full game will support all Windows keyboard shortcuts.) With some 3D chipsets, if you use a Windows keyboard shortcut (like Alt+Tab to switch to another window from the preview), you may not be able to return to the game, or the game may not be playable when you do return to it.

If the preview locks up, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Close Program window, highlight the "gamefx" line in the window, and click on the End Task button. The preview will end (this may take a few seconds). You should then reboot your computer before playing the preview again.

How do I restore the game’s original controls?

If you change the game’s controls (via the Controls option on the Configuration Screen) and wish to restore the original controls, quit the game, open the "Sinistar Unleashed" folder on your hard disk, and delete the following file:


When you run the game again, the original key controls will be in effect.

Why does the game start slow on Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3 boards?

Due to a bug in the current drivers for Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3 boards, action in the first second of game play runs very slowly. Things run fine after the first second.

Why do things sometimes look funny when I run my Voodoo Board under Direct3D?

In this preview, textures sometimes display incorrectly when you run any Voodoo board (Voodoo Graphics, Voodoo2, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3) using Direct3D drivers. The solution is to use the 3Dfx Glide drivers instead of Direct3D. See the Video Mode Selector section on how to change your drivers setting for the preview.

Why does the Video Mode Selector show 3Dfx settings even though I've removed my 3Dfx board from my PC? Can I use these settings anyway?

If your PC doesn't have a 3Dfx card (Voodoo Graphics, Voodoo2, Voodoo Banshee, or Voodoo3) installed, do not select any 3Dfx setting when using the Video Mode Selector. Typically, the Video Mode Selector can detect if your PC does not have a 3Dfx card and automatically will not display any 3Dfx options. However, if your PC once had a 3Dfx card that was subsequently removed and its software uninstalled, the uninstallation process may not eradicate all traces of the card's existence, thereby causing the Video Mode Selector to display 3Dfx settings.

How do I get my nVidia Riva 128 (or 128 ZX) card to display missing textures?

Cards based upon the nVidia Riva 128 or 128 ZX chip will sometimes display surfaces that have missing textures. If you are running the nVidia reference drivers, you can remedy this by entering the Control Panel (via Settings on the Start menu), selecting Display, choosing the Riva 128 tab, and making sure that the "Use Only Square Textures" option is unchecked. If you are running any drivers other than the reference drivers, consult the documentation for your specific video card to find out how to change this option. Please make sure you're running the most recent drivers for your card, whether reference or manufacturers'.

How do I run the game on a PC with a Microsoft Digital Sound System 80?

If your computer uses a Microsoft Digital Sound System 80, you must have it turned on to play the game. If it is turned off, you will get a "Sound Init Failed" error when you try to run the game.

Why won’t the middle button of my three-button mouse work?

The game does not yet support the middle button of a three-button mouse.

Intelligence Briefing: The Enemy

At great sacrifice, human scouts in ultra-fast unarmed ships have penetrated portions of the Sinistar universe. From their transmissions and from the accounts of the few survivors of these missions, Intelligence has prepared the following briefing for you.

The Sinistar Universe

The Sinistar universe is layered in zones, and you must fight your way through each level to reach the center. The outer layers are the Sporg zone—the Sporg are a space-going species enslaved by the Distilled Evil. The inner layers comprise Distilled Evil space itself. Sporg space tends to be well lit and rocky; what little is known about Distilled Evil zone indicates it is dark and icy.

In many levels throughout the Sinistar universe, the Sporg and Distilled Evil guard and energize the giant jumpgates for the bio-mechanical Sinistar.

The Sporg

The Sporg are a space-going species that the Distilled Evil conquered ages ago. The Distilled Evil redirected Sporg evolution to transform them into a species of genetically obedient slaves, although a degree of intelligence was lost in the process. Sporg warriors tend to be numerous and very aggressive, although they can lack cleverness or subtlety in combat. (Only some of the Sporg worker and warrior types appear in this preview.)

Stike Warrior The Sporg Strike Warrior is a small warrior, quick and agile. It maneuvers in typical Sporg fashion: well in positive pitch and rolls, but yaw badly and have limited negative pitch. It has two forward-firing, short-range energy weapons.
Squadron Warrior The Sporg Squadron Warrior is a small warrior, similar to the basic Strike Warrior, although faster and more robust. Squadron Warriors are capable of formation flying, and can make mass squadron attacks as well as fight individually.
Heavy Fighter The Sporg Heavy Fighter is a more massive version of the Strike Warrior, with improved characteristics, heavier energy weapons, and the ability to fire missiles. It tends to operate as a stalker and can attack with missiles at long range. It will often attempt to avoid close-range combat, forcing you to chase it down to destroy it.
Attack Carrier The Sporg Attack Carrier is a warrior that can carry and launch Sporg Strike Warriors. It can carry up to 8 Strike Warriors and can launch them up to four at a time. The Carrier is a slow, sturdy warrior with two powerful 2-gun turrets. It is difficult to destroy but easy to evade.
Battlecruiser The Sporg Battlecruiser is a giant version of a Sporg Attack Carrier. It can carry up to 32 Strike Warriors and 16 Squadron Warriors and can launch them up to 24 at a time. The Battlecruiser is heavily armed with 12 gun ports.
Light Turret Medium Turret Heavy Turret In addition to the maneuverable warriors, the Sporg have a series of independent turrets. These turrets have no propulsion and are stationary relative to the asteroid field (but can rotate). The Light Turret (far left) is easily destroyed and lightly armed with a single laser. The Medium Turret (center left) is armed with dual lasers, has better fire control, and is tougher to destroy than the Light Turret. The Heavy Turret (near left) is tough and heavily armed with three lasers.
Slave Drudge Slave Miner Sporg workers mine the asteroids for Sinisite crystals and carry them back to the jumpgate, to energize it. Workers are unarmed, except for the powerful Harvester. The Sporg Slave Drudge (far left) is an unarmed worker. It is slow, not very maneuverable, and easily destroyed. The drudge can mine asteroids, gather crystals, and transport the crystals to a jumpgate. The Slave Miner (near left) is faster and stronger than the Slave Drudge.
Crystal Transport The Crystal Transport is a massive, unarmed worker. It can carry crystals and is very slow and sturdy.
Harvester The Harvester is a powerful armed worker. It can grind up entire asteroids, storing their crystals for the Sinistar. Slave Drudge and Slave Miner workers can tow asteroids to the Harvester, and the Harvester can also draw asteroids to it with its tractor beam. It is believed the tractor beam can be used as a powerful weapon.

The Distilled Evil

Distilled Evil unknown1Distilled Evil unknown2No scouts have ever returned from Distilled Evil space, and their few garbled transmissions provide scant details. Indications are that the Distilled Evil tend to be less numerous than the Sporg, but are more robust and are often much more cunning and crafty. In combat, the Distilled Evil often shun the mass attacks many Sporg favor and instead may attack from behind, in hit-and-run surprise actions.

Incomplete data suggest that the Distilled Evil have tougher, more powerful counterparts to the Sporg, while possessing additional types not seen with the Sporg. Analysis indicates that the two pictures show a heavy fighter and one type of worker, although it is not clear which is which.

The Sinistar

Intercepted Distilled Evil messages, after immense decryption efforts, have yielded a few clues about the Sinistar. The Distilled Evil are using advanced cybernetics technology and genetic engineering to build ultra-powerful, bio-mechanical, idealized versions of themselves: the Sinistar. At least a dozen are under construction, each embodying specific Distilled Evil genetic potentials to their maximum. The Sinistar are designed to use the Sinisite crystals that are prevalent in the Sinistar universe; these crystals give the Sinistar immense power and special, energy-repulsive abilities. As the Sinistar are finished and their jumpgates are energized, they will launch themselves into our universe on a warpath of cosmic death and conquest.

Legal Lingo

Sinistar: Unleashed Two Level Preview.

Copyright 1999, THQ Inc. All rights reserved.

Sinistar © 1982 Midway Games Inc. Sinistar and Midway are registered trademarks of Midway Games Inc. and used under license by THQ Inc. All rights reserved. GameFX and THQ Inc. are trademarks of THQ Inc. Software to this game © 1999 THQ Inc. All rights reserved. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft, Sidewinder, Windows, Windows 95, and Windows 98 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd. in the United States and/or other countries. 3Dfx Interactive, Glide, and Voodoo Graphics are registered trademarks and Voodoo, Voodoo2, Voodoo3, and Voodoo Banshee are trademarks of 3Dfx Interactive. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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Invading Summer 99
Sinistar: Unleashed
Invading your universe this summer!